You can do a lot! Here are a few quick examples:
Easily create online forms for:
Set up workflows for managing:
Using Polydojo is easy. Everyone can do it. No coding required.
Building a form simply involves adding fields. For example, a typical contact form would include fiels for Name, Email, Phone etc.,
Define the sequence in which related forms should be filled. Eg: Reimbursement Request > Manager's Approval > Account Payout.
Once a workflow is defined, it acts as a standard template. Employees can run the workflow multiple times, sending you items for your approval.
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Need to approve employee spend, travel requests, time-off etc? Set it up in minutes! Build business specific approval systems, not weeks.
Repeatable, standardized workflows are key to business stability. Scale your business to new heights by avoiding costly mistakes and establishing a process-first culture.
Try Workflows!
Try it out and see for yourself!
Build forms with our sleek point-and-click builder. Choose from 20+ field types. Form build doesn't get better.
Use custom calculations and formulae. Not just simple addition, we support also square-roots, conditionals and more!
Embed Youtube videos in your forms. Videos are a great way for providing instructions or adding context to a form.
Want to track data from your CRM or your website's authentication system? Sure! Do that with hidden fields.
Polydojo integrates with your email, informing you (if you'd like) of each and every form submission.
Want to use Polydojo on the go? Sure! You can access the web app from any modern mobile or tablet device.
In business and in life, trust is key. Please give us a chance to earn your trust. We won't let you down.
We use cutting edge web technology. In comparison with others, our solutions are blazing fast.
Polydojo is hand-crafted with love. We cherish all our customers, and are grateful for their patronage.